Memorable Quotes

Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold of it by the handle of anxiety, or by the handle of faith. - Author Unknown

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Menu & Recipes for Week of September 13th

This week starts the cooler weather here in Texas. I have enjoyed watching the rain for the past three days. Horrible baseball weather - great baking weather!! Fall welcomes back all of my family's cool-weather, comfort foods. I am so excited to share them with you this season.

Have an a Fall-bulous week!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Game Day Munchies

Football season has arrived. I know some of you are football widows, but I love football. Tonight's the kick-off and the game is on as I post this!

We do kick-off Sunday up right. I fix a nice breakfast and then start on the day's buffet of munchies. I make plenty to nibble on throughout the entire day. No, there is not a formal meal the remainder of the day (unless I make wings). There are Italian Sausage Balls, Turkey Roll-ups, Rotel Cheese Dip, Assorted chips, crackers, Football Brownies, Football Sugar Cookies, Vegetable Tray, and a Savory Dip. The recipes and tips are available at

This should give you something to look forward to even if you don't enjoy the game. Have a great Sunday and go Cowboys!!